Why did Jesus Come?
At this time of the year Christians remember with gratitude how our Blessed Saviour was prepared to come down from the glories of heaven and live in this sin cursed earth. So why did he come? Why would He leave his exalted position in heaven to be born in poverty and obscurity down here? I think the Lord Jesus answered this question perfectly in John chapter 10 when explaining how He is the Good Shepherd. In verse 10 of John 10 Jesus said: -
‘I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.’
There is something obvious here that needs very little comment. He came to give us life. We were all children of Adam’s fallen race, born in sin and shapen in iniquity. The just desert of our sins was death, for the ‘wages of sin are death’. By way of contrast Jesus gives us life not death, He died on the cross that we might have life, praise his wonderful name.
However, there is something more in this statement for not only does Jesus tell us that he has come to give life but He goes on to describe it as abundant life. Are you living an abundant life?
Generally speaking the unsaved are living a substandard life, they do not live for God but rather for themselves. They see the restrictions of the Christian life in terms of God trying to spoil their fun. They do not realise that God made us and knows what is best for us; he has therefore given us guidance for living a full life in His word.
True freedom in life is to be found by living in God’s will. For example humans are generally by nature selfish and want to take rather than give, but Jesus told us that ‘it is more blessed to give than to receive.’ You really get a good feeling when you do something for someone or give a random gift and yet still human nature makes us want to grab for ourselves. All parents know that they have to teach their children to share with their siblings for it just does not come naturally to us.
To live a life of service to others in obedience to God’s word actually is an abundant life. Most people are living for material gain but if they actually sat back and analysed where they are they would have to admit that their material gain has given them no lasting happiness.
As you read this Christmas message I trust that you not only have found eternal life in Christ but also an abundant life as well.
‘He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.’ John 3 v36
A big thank you to all of the readers of this ‘blogspot’ for your interest in my ramblings through 2010. I want to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Blessed 2011.
Gob Bless