Monday, 7 April 2014

Science - The New Religion

I have been reflecting recently on the world's emerging religion called Science. Now I'm not talking about real Science, those hard working men and women in Labs all around the world who are seeking to find cures for Cancer and developing smarted technology. I'm talking about those who use a cloak of Science to impose their perverted view of the world on the rest of us.

I suppose it's always been around, the Apostle Paul warned Timothy about it 2000 years ago. 'O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:' But it's seem to have had a resurgence since the 1859 publication of Darwin's 'Origin of the Species'.

If you really analysis what the preachers of Scientism teach you will find all the major components of a religion.


The Bible starts with 'In the beginning God' but Scientism starts with a Big Bang.


The Bible reveals the Lord Jehovah but Scientism has embraced the pagan Gaia mother earth god. This is the main motivation of extreme environmentalists. They believe that cutting down a tree is hurting Gaia.


The Infernal enemy of the Christian God is a wicked enemy called Satan. In the view of Scientism the wicked enemy is Western Capitalism whose seeking to create wealth is a danger to their precious Gaia.


Unlike the hell of the Bible the hell of Scientism is not a burning lake of fire, instead they believe in a burning earth. Global warming, which isn't in fact really happening, is painted as a hell that we are all headed for because of our supposed poor stewardship of the earth. 


The religion of Scientism also has it's heaven. It is not the eternal abode of God as revealed in the Bible but instead it is some sort of a Nirvana, right her on earth, where we all have to live happily in some sort of a socialist collective where we do exactly what our totalitarian masters tell us.

So many people are sucked in by this religion because it has an excellent propaganda campaign helped in no small part by the BBC. The mainstream media propagates it's doctrines as truth even though they are not proven. Every child in the UK believes that the earth is getting warmer and as a consequence the world is in big trouble. The truth of course is much less exciting, the worlds temperature has not risen for many tears. To combat this reality Scientism has subtly changed the name of the doctrine from Global Warming to Climate Change. The truth is the climate has always changed over the centuries and always will but one thing is for sure...

'While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.' Genesis 8 v22