There are many people in society today who are getting very worked up about ‘Climate Change’. As I write this blog Presidents and Prime Ministers from around the world are meeting in Copenhagen to discuss the issue of ‘Climate Change’, it’s anticipated impact on our environment and the supposed catastrophic consequences if we don’t act now to reduce carbon emissions.
I must admit at this point that I am not a scientist, nor am I the son of a scientist but I don’t buy it. I would have described myself until recently as a ‘Climate Change Sceptic’. I have now amended that position; I would now describe myself as a ‘Climate Change Denier’.
Now let me clarify, I do not deny that climate changes; we all know it does. The other night when I went to bed it was freezing and the ground was white, however, when I got up the next morning it was actually quite mild. The climate in my locality had changed by several degrees in a matter of hours. Average world temperatures have always fluctuated and always will. We are currently in a period of increase but that is not to say that it won’t start to decrease next year or in the next decade. What I deny is that man has any thing significant to do with it.
Let me tell you what I think is going on. The spirit of the Antichrist influences this world in which we live. Politicians are slowly moving towards one world government as outlined in Bible prophecy. Something has to be found to unite mankind in a common struggle and it has to be something bigger than the selfish interests of individual nations. I believe a satanically inspired ‘bogey man’ has been created to scare the world into one world government, into Babylon.
If the world’s temperature is increasing and I say if because of the recent leaked e-mails where it would appear scientists have been dabbling in the political dark art of ‘spin’ in order to get out the message that they want to get out. Whose to say it has anything to do with man? Is it possible that that huge fireball in the sky that we call the sun has any impact on the earth’s temperature; you know I think it might?
If the Lord Jesus was to break the clouds tomorrow, this earth still has seven years of tribulation and a thousand year reign of the Lord Jesus Christ to go. For that reason alone I know that the scare stories of ‘Climate Change Claptrap’ are nothing more than that.
Who are you going to believe, a God who never lies or our Politicians? In the past week Tony Blair has admitted that he would have found other reasons to go to war in Iraq if he was not able to use the ‘weapons of mass destruction’ reason. We now know with hindsight that WMD was a big fat lie. What other lies are we being told by the politicians. I ask again who are you going to believe?
‘God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?’ Numbers 23 v19