One thing about 'the news' is it's ability to surprise you. I was not expecting, when I woke this morning, to hear that US Special Forces had killed Osama Bin Laden. But it has happened, the biggest man hunt in history is over.
As I have listened to commentary on news programmes today and indeed read posts on social networking sites there seems to be a view that justice has been served on Osama Bin Laden. Now while I understand where people are coming from and would agree that the world is a better place without the likes of Osama Bin Laden, it is wrong to come to the conclusion that justice has been served.
What has happened over night simply shows the truth of the Biblical principle that 'all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.' Matt 26 v52 For Mr Bin Laden justice will be served in a day yet to come. On that day he will stand with the dead small and great before the Great White Judgement throne of our Lord Jesus Christ. On that day the books will be opened and he will be judged according to the things written in those books. A God who knows and sees everything knows about every wicked plot and plan to have ever come out of the heart of that evil man and has recorded it to demonstrate how perfect His judgements are. On that day God will ensure that righteous justice is served.
As we look around the world we see all sorts of injustice and it is possible to get very vexed about it, however, I do not allow apparent injustice annoy me; I simply remember that there is a God in Heaven who will see to it that true justice is served. In my own region of the UK a lot of people get very exercised about former terrorist in positions of authority and influence. As repugnant as these former terrorists are to me I do not get vexed about the situation. A Sovereign God has permitted these things to be. I don't know why God has permitted this to be but I do know this, if these former terrorist do not repent they 'shall all likewise perish.' Luke 13 v3
That is a wonderful verse in Luke 13, for it gives hope to the terrorist or any other sinner for that matter. The Lord Jesus Christ said 'except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.' That means there is a place of forgiveness for sinners including murderers if they repent. Was the apostle Paul not a man who terrorised the Church before his conversion? If he can be saved so can Gerry or Marty.
Have you ever prayed for the Salvation of these people? Have you ever asked God to open their eyes to the wickedness of their past deeds and to draw them by His Spirit in repentance towards God and in saving faith to our Lord Jesus Christ? Perhaps you think they deserve to be punished for their evil deeds and aren't worthy of God's mercy! Were You?
Well said, Maurice.